Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Review : FACE it All About Easy Liner & Gel Eyeliner by The Face Shop

Hi girls! I'm back for some reviews..
It's eyeliners from The Face Shop.. I bought them at Face Shop store in Metropolitan Bekasi =D
Actually I was going to buy only one eyeliner, but the seller told me one of the product is in low price. So I couldn't handle it, I bought two of them *don't blame me* :{3
Let's get to the reviews...

(left - right) : All About Easy Liner - All About Gel Eyeliner

(left - right) : All About Gel Eyeliner - All About Easy Liner


  • Easy liner = Easy to apply
  • Cocok buat travel
  • Harus berkali2 diapply
  • A lil' bit pricey
  • non-waterproof (gampang hilang)


  • Ada 2 aplikatornya (brush & sponge)
  • Cukup sekali apply
  • Tekstur gelnya lembut
  • Waterproof
  • NONE


I like Gel Eyeliner best. It's easy to apply and the color pops out.
Easy liner is easy too but my face is oily combination, the eyeliner easily removed

I share you some pictures of me using both of them :)

(left - right) : Easy Liner - Gel Eyeliner

(left - right) : Easy Liner - Gel Eyeliner

Easy Liner

Gel Eyeliner

I'll see you next twime~ ^^

XoXo ♥

Thursday, May 9, 2013

♥ Liebster Award ♥

Today I'll be doing some random things..
I was nominated for Liebster Award from a lovely beauty blogger Yun Yuwa ☺

So here are the rules :
1. Each blogger should answer the questions the tagger has set for you.
2. Choose  11 bloggers to pass the award onto and link them in your post.
3. Create 11 new questions for the chosen bloggers.
4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
5. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
6. No tag-backs!

The questions :
  1. Where were you born? I was born in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
  2. What is / are your hobby? watch beauty guru on youtube, read beauty blog, dance
  3. What / who inspired you to start blogging? IT'S HER! --> Bubzbeauty. After I read her blogs and watch her videos, I decided to start my own blog ^^ ♥
  4. Describe yourself in sentence : Silent type but can make people happy around me 
  5. What is your favorite beauty products? Maybelline, Revlon, MUA
  6. Who's you fav youtubers or authors (if any)? I have 4 for my favorite youtubers ( believe it or not =D ), they are really amazing ! 1. Lindy Tsang ( Bubzbeauty ), 2. Angel ( Beautifymeeh ), 3. Michelle Phan ( MichellePhan ) , 4. Bethany Mota ( Macbarbie07 )
  7. What is your favorite food? I like sushi, ramen, seafood, dumpling
  8. What is your favorite childhood memory? When I was in 2nd grade, I came back from Germany to Jakarta. I was in my first day for school, I was the only new student back there and new student has to introduce in front of the classroom. Instead of doing introduction, I ended up crying because I can't speak Indonesian language on that day T^T Now, when I remember that moment I just laughed.. ♥
  9. What is favorite color? White, pink pastel, and black
  10. If you get a free flight ticket, where would you go? JAPAN !!
  11. Who's your favorite role model?  I don't have any role models, I will make my own style with my own taste ^^

Here are the random facts about me :
  1. I love Japan and Korea
  2. Silent type at first meet, twice, thrice I'm lovely person
  3. I was graduated from Trisakti University
  4. In love with Hello Kitty
  5. Mineral water and Cappuccino lover
  6. I don't really like cakes
  7. I hate smoke
  8. I have a lot of headbands
  9. Loves Seafood *YUMMY*
  10. I admired people who can do ice skating..
  11. I can't drive. LOL.

And.. The 11 bloggers I picked up for this award ♥ ^^
Questions for you :
  1. What made you start blogging?
  2. Flat shoes or High heels?
  3. I can't live without?
  4. If you could make three wishes, what would you wish for?
  5. What food did you eat last time?
  6. Glasses or circle lens?
  7. What clothes do you prefer when you hang out with friends?
  8. What's your favorite beverage?
  9. What's your favorite place to hang out?
  10. Watch beauty guru on channel or read blogs?
  11. What's your motto?
Thanks for this nominating ^^ 

See ya

XoXo ♥

Friday, May 3, 2013

4:30 PM

On Sunday, March 28, 2013.. I was doing photoshoot and taken by my boyfriend ♥ And it turned GREAT!! *YIPPEE* ( with a lil' bit touch up *cough* )
Boyfie said that he wanted me to look natural, so I did "whatever" styles *LOL
So here is the photos........

 I don't know if I looked natural in here =D

The nail polish is from pa. and kitty ring I bought from my friend ♥

Actually.. I can't moved my body freely because there was some kiddos played in the park >,<

Love this one ♥

So that's all.. I can't share you all my photos in here, it's too many >,<
And I know it's not a beauty product or beauty review.. But I'll do next week, you guys should wait teehee~


Bonus :

Meow~ meow~

BYE~ ♥

♥ IBB Makeup Challenge May 2013 ♥

Heihoo~ late night post is here.. weeeeee~ ♥
It's 1:29 AM.. I can't sleep, because of coffee that I drank on thursday afternoon T^T and ended up in here *sobs*
OKAY!! Let me share something for you == dadadada~ ==> Indonesian Beauty Blogger held a make up challenge again!! The theme for this month is "DULL to DOLL"

The prize is sponsored by Estee Lauder ♥ but still don't know what prize you'll get if you win the challenge =D
So if guys interested with this challenge fill in blank form, here : IBB Makeup Challenge May 2013

Join as soon as possible ^^ Only 2 winners will be chosen. Good luck ♥